As I am going to here...WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! We have great hope as we awake this morning !!!
Oh I know by next week , or next year we could be just as bad off as we are right now....but again my faith is restored in Americans. They actually showed last night they are TIRED , FED UP and need a change !!!!
John Carey might have botched a joke , but Bush had botched so much more ....including a war.
Record turn outs !!! That's what it takes to get the true pulse of America. I am so proud of everyone that voted. You make those womyn that fought for us to vote PROUD!
I know there are people that disagree and they are not happy with the results, but just as we had to swallow the hard pill when Bush won , we now get a happy pill and we can now have hope.
Maybe we can start to repair , maybe we can find a way to end this war. Maybe just maybe.
I have to say when I heard Cheney say "no matter the outcome , this administration willl continue full speed ahead" . I think ole Dick has forgotten....the PEOPLE get to say what speed we go ...and I believe they have spoken !!! NOT SO FAST ...DICK!!!
Now we need to start a campaign.....Put all these damn negative ads , and flyers and everything else down. Use the money you use to put someone else down and make a fund for the hungry , the sick the homeless!!! It would be amazing what we could do with that money used for no good and make it for the good !!!
So I hold my head high today , I just wish that Bush and his "administration " would get it . America wants change and they don't like the direction it is going in . So LISTEN to the people , be the President ...this is not YOUR country it is OURS !!! how bout this weather !!
Scrapbook Saturday
18 hours ago
Couldn't have said it better myself!!! Doin the happy dance this morning!